The National MS Centre works with one central file per patient. This file is fully electronic and contains data from doctors, nurses and paramedics. It facilitates communication between the various healthcare providers who are jointly responsible for your care. The National MS Centre chose Nexuzhealth to manage your shared file.
Thus, the patient record contributes to safe, high-quality and efficient care and complies with the law on patients' rights.
The National MS Centre is responsible for processing your personal data, which are kept in your patient file.
The recording of personal data is done according to the provisions of the Act of 8 December 1992, on the protection of privacy.
Doctors, nurses and paramedics of the National MS Centre may access your file only on condition that they are directly involved in your treatment and for as long as this involvement in your treatment lasts (a therapeutic relationship). Administrative staff also have access to part of your file for administrative processing. Each of these persons is strictly bound by professional secrecy or duty of discretion.
A strict access control system keeps track of who, when, accessed and/or edited which part of your file.
You cannot deny your treatment providers access to your file, as this file is an essential part of multidisciplinary, integrated, secure and quality treatment.
Other hospitals can also choose the same system. If you are treated at such a nexuzhealth hospital, your patient record will be shared with your healthcare providers at that hospital. It is important that your treating doctor has the complete information of your health condition. Again, privacy rules are strictly guaranteed and adhered to.
The list of participating hospitals is still growing. More info on this partnership, as well as a current list of participating hospitals, can be found on the website of www.nexuzhealth.be.If you want to exclude a National MS Centre staff member, i.e. deny access to your medical records regardless of whether there is a current therapeutic relationship or not, you can contact our ombudsman service. This way, we can work out together what the best course of action is. More information on this can be found on the Nexuzhealth website. Please note, employee exclusions from other hospitals should be requested through the other hospital.
Thanks to the use of secure web applications, your GP or referring physician can also access your electronic patient record at the National MS Centre or at another Nexuzhealth hospital from his practice. In this way, the referrer is informed and involved in the care process and can better address the needs of the patient and his family.
Your GP has automatic access to your Nexuzhealth record. If you do not want this, you can notify the National MS Centre reception desk.
Other referrers do not have automatic access to your Nexuzhealth file.
The government's eHealth platform allows all Belgian healthcare providers currently involved in your treatment to consult your medical data.
If you agree to this, you must give informed consent once.
These healthcare providers will also only have access to your file if you are currently undergoing treatment with them.
Want to know more about giving consent about electric sharing of health information? Then watch this video:
More info via patient consent website via www.patientconsent.be or https://www.mijngezondheid.belgie.be
Via Mynexuzhealth.be you can access your electronic patient record online. Via the secure application on Mynexuzhealth's site, you can access your own appointments. Here, you can also comment on certain aspects and arrange your accesses for third parties.
For more information about mynexuzhealth, please refer to the brochure from Mynexushealth made by UZ Leuven.
Do you have questions about this or are you not satisfied?
If so, you can contact the Data Protection Officer.
Email: privacy@mscenter.be
Tel.: +32 2 59 78 003
Office hours: all working days 08:30-17:00
Physical accessibility: administrative corridor +1
Route description: at the entrance hall always straight ahead, at the back of the hospital.